
We will never be slaves... But we will be conquerors.

 So while World of Warcraft is now ten years old and the genre have changed massively, the reveal of the new cinematic intro to Warlords of Draenor has me really itching for the next expansion. Not only because it is about as cryptic as it get… In fact it is pretty much one long nod to the old guard. Anyone who know the story of how the orcs came to invade through the Dark Portal will I think get a small kick out of the timey-wimey parallel universe story that we will explore. What would have transpired if the Orcs did not drink the blood of Manaroth. Now those who have kept in touch with the game will not be all that surprised to find out who the culprit is behind the new directions for the Orcs.

Yeah.. Garrosh is out and about… and there is no surprise that he try to stop the tragedy that he has learnt befell his good ol dad. Now I personally have reached the point where I just like to put an axe to the face of Garrosh and take him out of commission permanently. This was an itch I got back in WotLK and with Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria I have come to dislike Garrosh very very much. So my hat of to the Blizzard story team I guess. In fact this latest move is perhaps the first properly motivated thing Grom´s boy have done since going through the portal back in Burning Crusade. After all who would not try to save their mother or father from condemning an entire race and then getting killed… Makes sense to me.

Now speaking of ten years… Blizzard ofc will celebrate this in grand style. Not only will anyone logging get a very adorable Corgie pet with a very dashing firelands makeover.

You will also get a chance to own your very own Core-hound mount… There is just a tiny caveat… You need to be level 100 to run the instance. Or to put it plainly you need to go through the entire leveling process of the new expansion… Now at first this does not sound too bad but if we take in to account that the celebrations are shortly after the release of the expansion itself things get a bit more sticky. Now Blizzard have said everyone will have ample time to get the reward but I still find it a tad bit annoying and a cheap way to get some more subscribers for a extra month or two. But then again Blizzard is not a charity and it is not like I have not gotten a massive amount of entertainment out of the game over the years.
Also there will be a Southshore vs Tarren Mill re-match… 100 vs 100 PvP.. It will most likely be insane in the beginning.

Still no matter how you cut it I am looking forward to the new expansion and the upcoming Warcraft movie.

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